React Aws Upload Error: Could Not Contact Request Signing Server. Status = 404

Deploying create-react-app to S3 and CloudFront

  1. Ease. Deploying static files requires far fewer moving parts than an app with a server. At that place'south less to set up and less to maintain.
  2. Cost. Because there's less to set up and maintain, the cost of deploying a static awarding can be dramatically cheaper.

Deploy to S3

  • Create an account or sign in to the AWS Console:
  • Navigate to the S3 service and click Create Bucket. Make up a clever name for your new bucket, a choose your configuration settings.
  • In the Prepare Permissions step, deselect the options to block public access — you want users to access the website assets that will alive hither — then create the bucket.

Deselect all; requite the public access to visit your site.
  • Click on the newly-created bucket. Within the Properties, open the Static Website Hosting tab, and select Use this saucepan to host a website. Fill in index.html for both the Index and Error Documents. Past setting index.html as the Error Document, nosotros can allow something like react-router to handle routes outside of the root.

  • Open up the Permissions tab, then select Bucket Policy. You may choose to do something more nuanced hither, but a proficient starting point is to provide read-only permissions for anonymous users — a policy provided in the AWS examples. Make sure its your bucket name nether the "Resource" key.

  • Add the contents of your build directory to this bucket. This tin can be done by clicking on the bucket and clicking Upload. That'due south information technology! You can find the URL to your application back under the Static Website Hosting tab, labeled Endpoint.

Bonus: Deploying with AWS CLI

  • Install the AWS CLI.
  • Create a user with security credentials in IAM. Avoid providing more than permissions than is necessary.
  • Configure the CLI with aws configure. For case:
          AWS Access Primal ID [None]:            AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
AWS Underground Admission Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region proper name [None]: united states of america-west-two
Default output format [None]: json
  • Create a bucket (if you didn't already) and deploy the app:
          // create a bucket
$ aws s3 mb s3://your-saucepan-proper name
// list buckets
$ aws s3 ls
// build and deploy the app
$ npm run build && aws s3 sync build/ s3://your-bucket-name

Deploy to CloudFront

If it works on S3, why carp with CloudFront?

  • Select theCloudFront service in the AWS console, click Create Distribution, and so under the web delivery method, click Become Started.
  • Select your Origin Settings. The Origin Domain Name choices pre-populate with S3 buckets. Selecting yours will also populate the Origin ID.

  • Within the Distribution Settings, gear up the Default Root Object to index.html.

  • Yous may choose to further configure the distribution, but that's enough to become the task washed. Select Create Distribution.
  • Click the ID of your newly created distribution to achieve its settings page, and so click on the Mistake Pages tab. Select Create Custom Mistake Response.
  • Select Yes for a custom mistake response, set/index.html for the response page path and 200: OK for the response code. This custom error page in the CloudFront distribution is analogous to the Fault Document on the S3 bucket (and volition piece of work on IE, too). When done, click Create.

404 fault codes work fine hither, likewise.
  • That's it! Give the deployment a handful of minutes, then cheque out your web app. Y'all tin find the URL on the distribution listings folio, nether the Domain Name column.

Wrapping Up


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