Call of Duty: Warzone was just released and players are loving the modernized gameplay. It feels like players are dropped into a literal warzone as they struggle to find supplies and buy the things they need to survive. It takes a lot of strategy and perseverance to win, but teamwork is the key when it comes to a victory.

It should come as no surprise that players have already created several memes in relation to this new game. They range in subject and hilarity, but it is hard not to chuckle at them. Keep reading to learn about 10 hilarious Call of Duty: Warzone memes only true fans will understand!

Updated On February 1st, 2021, By Jason Wojnar: It's crazy to think about, but Warzone seems to becoming more and more popular as time goes on. Even when Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War came out, Activision still promised full support for the Battle Royale mode. They even recently added a new map called Rebirth Island, a smaller area more ripe for hectic action than the giant Verdansk landmass. Since the Warzone train shows no signs of slowing down, we decided to add some more memes to this list for fans to enjoy.

14 The Boneyard

Boneyard call of duty meme

Every match with friends starts with someone madly deciding and getting everyone to agree on the best place to land after jumping from the plane. Even if the group manages to decide early on where to drop, people will still likely end up stranded miles away from each other.

Many teams die almost immediately since they run into groups who already landed together. Don't feel too bad if this ever happens to you; somebody has to be in last place, after all.

13 Quarantine Time

Quarantine time warzone

Warzone came out at around the same time the United States and the rest of the world went on lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While many people promised themselves to dedicate their extra time towards hobbies and hidden passions, many opted to hone their Call of Duty skills. Don't feel bad if you were one of those people. Being locked inside all day is not exactly conducive to a productive lifestyle. Sometimes, you just need some Warzone to get through tough times.

12 The Spectator

Gulag meme warzone

The gulag is an incredibly unique aspect of Warzone. If you and a buddy die simultaneously, sometimes you can end up in the same gulag and end up having to watch each others' battles. If you are watching from above, you do your best to help the comrade out, but you usually end up rambling incoherently as the action switches up so quickly. Every once in a while, however, it might just work out and your friend will thank you by buying your life back if you lose.

11 The Sky Is The Safest Place

Warzone meme getting the helicopter

Every team in Warzone has their own unique strategy when dropping in. Some go right for the hottest drops, others start way off and progress further inward while collecting loot, and others go for the closest helicopter and fly around for as long as possible. Most people on the ground do not pay attention to the skies, so the crew in the helicopter will be safe until the circle shrinks. At that point, however, they'll already feel good enough about having made it to one of the top spots in the round.

10 Everyone Enters A Fight Acting Tough

Warzone meme monsters inc and simpsons copy

People like acting tough before a fight, but their demeanor changes once the bell rings. Anybody who says they have not at least spent one match in Verdansk hiding inside a building with a shotgun pointed at the door is lying. Should one be ashamed for camping, or should the victim blame themselves for not checking their corners more thoroughly? After all, Captain Price loves telling us to check our corners during the single-player campaigns.

9 Not Everyone Is A Pro

Call of Duty: Warzone is free for anyone to download, whether you own the base game or not. This is exciting news, but at the same time, some are left in the dust as they have never played the game before.

It means that while gamers who are new have horrible custom load-outs, others have everything unlocked as they have been playing for months. It can be discouraging to play with these types of friends, especially when approaching an enemy squad who they are prepared to take down.

8 Gulag Is A Blessing

It can make you feel like a real winner when your entire team comes back from the Gulag to win the entire game. This meme explains the feeling perfectly as players stare at the Memoriam of all the players who should have killed them.

It is quite an accomplishment when players manage to pull this off, even when they come back with nothing but their handy pistol. It is always a rough road, but a win is the goal no matter how players manage to get there.

This game is free, like Apex Legends, so now many are dropping the latter for something new. It can be a rough break as players like the new platform of Warzone due to its modern take on battle royale game modes.

They even take some pointers from its sci-fi counterpart, but this meme reveals the truth. We expect the numbers of Apex Legends to drop as more are drawn to this new game on the market. Some may prefer the timeless game they have been playing, while others will look to the future of gaming.

6 Gulag Losses Are Pathetic

When players are sent to the Gulag, they can spend their time watching the fights from above while they patiently wait for their turn. Some choose to fight the other patrons or chuck a few rocks, but others enjoy watching the matches.

When a player loses they can feel like a letdown, especially when they know just how many others watched their failure. It can hurt as they are now forced to wait for their teammates to buy them back, but their pride also takes a hit as well.

5 Why Pay When Warzone Is Free?

Many players are laughing at other COD players who bought the full game when it came out back in October. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but now many are ditching the main game they paid for and strictly playing Warzone.

It seems like a waste of money when you look at it this way, and many players who didn't pay for it are flaunting this fact as they play. It can seem unfair that some paid for a free game, although, others were smart enough not to jump the gun and pay when they didn't have to.

4 John Wick Is Unkillable

This player was faced with an impossible bounty, as they were tasked with taking down John Wick. $3,000 is quite a bit of dough that could be useful in buying a variety of supplies, but this is more than they bargained for.

The names that players have chosen are borderline ridiculous in some cases as so many possibilities exist. We expect to see a Chuck Norris before too long as more players follow this trend when it comes to in-game names that will show up on bounties.

3 Tomogunchi Trumps Warzone

Right before this new game mode was released, the developers gave users the chance to buy a Tomogunchi watch. This watch is spectacular as it grows and changes based on how you play.

Many are hyped for the new game mode, while others are still obsessed with this watch. This meme explains players' frustrations perfectly as they try to help those souls become obsessed with what really matters.

2 Warzone Has Killed Them All

People love this new battle royale game, but it has led to the demise of more than one game. We have watched as players leave popular other games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Black Ops, and Player Unknown's Battlegrounds.

We can't help but laugh at the truth in this meme as this new game mode puts the others in the ground. The developers feel like they are on top of the world as they continue to make this game better in order to gain more players than the competition.


NEXT: The 5 Strongest Weapons In Call Of Duty: Warzone (& The 5 Weakest)